OSI Model 7 Layers (Basic Understanding) | Blackhattrick Blog

It is easy to remember the sequence of OSI Model Layer for common User. 

The simple sentence is easy way to remember this model Layers i.e. “All people seems to need data processing”. Top to bottom
ALL= Application Layer
People= Presentation Layer
Seems= Session Layer
To= Transport Layer
Need = Network Layer
Data = Data Link Layer
Processing = Physical Layer
 Application Layer (DATA)
     Application Layer provides Interface between Users & machine.Protocols of this layers are: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, TFTP, Telnet, SNMP, DNS, Rlogin, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, and LDAP.

Presentation Layer (DATA)
This layer facilitate in presentation of Data to upper layer. Mainly, Provide Encoding Scheme & Encryption formation. Protocols of this layers are: JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIF, PNG, MP3, MIDI, ASCII & ANSI etc.

Session Layer (DATA)
This layer provides virtual agreement between two end communication devices.Function of this layers: Establishment, Management & TerminationThe best example to explain this layer is telephone call in which first you established the connection, than exchange a message and finally terminate the session.Protocols of this Layer are: SIP, NFS, SQL, ASP, RDBMSThese three layer are named as software layer

Transport Layer (SEGMENT)
This layer is responsible for Control of Data flow and if error occur reconnect the data and retransmit.Function of this layers: 1) Handshaking 2). Acknowledgement 3). SequencingProtocols of this Layer: TCP, UDP, SPX

Network Layer (Packet)
This Layer is used for communication to remote network.Function of this layers: 1) Sorting 2) Filtering 3) DistributionProtocols of this Layer: Routed Protocol: IP/IPX/Apple talkRouting Protocol: IGP, EGP, BGP, EBGP, IBGP, RIP, IGRP, RIP, OPSF, IS-IS

Data Link Layer (Frame)
Function of this layers: 1) Error Detection 2) Control of DataUniqueness of this layer: MAC addressProtocols of this Layer: PPP, HDLC, ATM, Frame Relay, SLIP, Ethernet

Physical Layer(Binary)
This involve Media, move bits between devicesMAC Address: Information DeliveredIP Address: Carrier of Information

These four layers are Data Flow Layers

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OSI Model 7 Layers (Basic Understanding) | Blackhattrick Blog OSI Model 7 Layers (Basic Understanding) | Blackhattrick Blog Reviewed by BlackHat on 9:33 PM Rating: 5
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