Trick to Run Windows XP without Activation | BlackHatTrick Blog

Keep Running Windows XP without Activation 

Hi Guys,

here is trick for you all.
windows xp asking for activate the Windows xp evetytime  7 dont want to take a risk downoading Crack because BAD guys are binding malware with it to infect the systems.
no problem. activate it every 30 days.

Run simple command from Safe mode.

Blah and get it done.


1) reboot the system & goto Safe Mode:
2) Open run box, Window Key + R
3) type the below command exactly,

rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk

Note: Code is case sensitive so type it carefully and Hit Enter.
5) Nothing will come as pop-up, simply reboot the system after 10-15 second :)

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Trick to Run Windows XP without Activation | BlackHatTrick Blog Trick to Run Windows XP without Activation |  BlackHatTrick Blog Reviewed by BlackHat on 5:23 PM Rating: 5

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