About Netwire RAT | Blackhattrick Blog

Hello Guys, While doing research I got valuable information about Netwire RAT.
I am gonna sharing it with you.

Note: Do Not Ask About the Setup because,
1. Most of the Hacker/Attacker bind it with Malware.
2. Almost all RAT Setup are detectable as Malware by All Anti-Virus.

Happy Hunting Guys :)

The Attack
This recent attack used a specially crafted Word document with an embedded malicious macro. An attacker might also use social-engineering tricks to lure victims into opening the malicious document.
Once the document is opened, the exploit downloads Netwire from Dropbox:
Once executed, the malware tcpview.exe copies itself to the AppData folder. By using trusted storage sites such as Dropbox the malware can sometimes avoid firewall and heuristic detection.


Netwire is a multiplatform remote administration tool (RAT) widely used by cybercriminals since 2012. Netwire provides attackers with various functions to remotely control infected machines.

Lately, McAfee Labs has seen a spike in the number of attacks employing Netwire. In a recent case, Netwire was used in a targeted attack involving banking and healthcare sectors.
 Netwire is a sophisticated RAT with various remote-control functions, including:
·         Collecting system information
·         File manager
·         System manager
·         Keylogging and screen capture

The following screen capture shows Netwire’s host-monitoring tool:

The file tcpview.exe is obfuscated with a custom cryptor. The malware also creates a start-up entry in the registry for persistence.

The Netwire client tcpview.exe is signed by fake and invalid digital certificates.

The second stage of the attack involves a Netwire backdoor connecting to the following control servers:
·         davidluciano.mooo.com
·         jydonky.mooo.com
·         papybrown.mooo.com
Mooo.com is a dynamic DNS domain provider often favored by Netwire attackers. Currently all these domains point to the following IP addresses in the United States:

The malicious Word document is detected by McAfee Advanced Threat Defense with high severity.

Advanced Threat Defense also classifies the downloaded file as malicious.


For Your Knowledge:

All About Netwire

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About Netwire RAT | Blackhattrick Blog About Netwire RAT | Blackhattrick Blog Reviewed by BlackHat on 5:39 PM Rating: 5

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