Google Chrome :- 7 Secret Commands

Blackhattrick | Google Chrome - 7 Secret Commands

Google chrome has 7 secret commands whih are used by developer of google chrome.
Below is list of secret commands, you should try this one also.

1.      chrome://about/

 It shows all the commands you can type from the address bar of your browser. You can check bookmarks, cache, memory consumption, credits, history, plugins, sessions, new tab, settings, stats etc.

2.      chrome://flags/

 Overview of tabs, frames per second counter, tooltip, experimental localization features, etc..

3.      chrome://net-internals/

 Displays complete information on your connectivity, export your data or to test links that will not load.

4.      chrome://memory-redirect/

 Displays the memory used by Chrome and by all other browsers that are running on the system.

5.      chrome://dns/

Analysis of DNS service to establish a correspondence between an IP address and domain name.

6.      chrome://quota-internals/

Provides information about the disk space used by the browser.

7.      chrome://sync-internals/

For detailed information on the internal synchronization of Chrome.

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Google Chrome :- 7 Secret Commands Google Chrome  :- 7 Secret Commands Reviewed by BlackHat on 10:18 AM Rating: 5

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